Last weekend, we helped celebrate Vivienne (Scott's cousin's daughter turned one) and Anne-Marie's (Scott's sister's daughter turned two) birthdays. Yikes - did that make sense? Anyway, a family luau - costume mandatory, limbo, and even a pig on a spit. I know... intense. I chose to be a vegetarian that day, but it was fun nevertheless! Uncle Daniel decided to dress up Noah in a grass skirt. I love his facial expression - even at 19 mos., he knows something isn't right...
What is this??????

I'm getting outta here!
I wanted to add a comment to show that despite what I said last night, I did remember to come read your blog! You have been up to some very cute things...the cooking, the luau, etc. which reminds me of why I do NOT have a blog of my own (the most exciting moment of my day yesterday was learning how to print my picture of my pretty shelf set onto 11x17 paper- so sad). I can't wait to come see those cute kids of yours sometime soon! Love, Lacey