Friday, December 14, 2012

Mourning for Souls

Regarding the Connecticut elementary school shooting:

I don't mean to sound cruel or insensitive, but I wonder if God is mourning more for the souls that were lost today - not just their earthly lives alone.  When a believer dies, he and God reunite and there is a restorative joy.  But that celebration can't take place when an unbeliever dies.  I never thought about it like this before.  God must mourn for souls like we can't even imagine.  

 I have faith that the children are having a dog-pile, wrestling party with God on His throne, without any tears or sadness.  Their souls are His.  But the shooter and any other adults that didn't put their faith in Jesus... they have lost their chance to be reconciled with the Great Deliverer.  God must be brokenhearted that He can't pursue them any longer.  They denied Him, and it's too late.  They chose their eternities.  

We all have that choice.  We don't know when we will breathe our last breath.  So run to the Father and choose life.  You have already been redeemed - bought back!  Take the gift and say thank you for the rest of your life.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. When we remember that this life is but time spent in the womb in the scope of eternity, we are reminded that each life not caught up in the embrace of Christ is a tragic miscarraige, whether they are 9 or 90. In contrast, those who are firmly planted in Christ are simply born into the real world premature, but still entering into an eternity of abundance. In tragedies like this, God weeps for the unsaved, feels sorrow for the pain of those grieving, but I think also celebrates the arrival of each of His children as He calls them home.
