Friday, May 11, 2012

Passion Shifting

A few months ago I was driving with a new friend in the car.  Our conversation took off, and we covered some real 'stuff' in no time.  That dialogue pulled things out of my spirit that I didn't even know were so rooted in me.  By the time I dropped her off at home, I was beaming, refreshed, and couldn't wait to share my newfound revelations with Scott.

I had shared that teaching was a passion God had given me (a spiritual gift according to some of those tests), and I was so pleased that I had an education to back that up as I am beginning to homeschool my kids in a few short months.  Would I want to have my own classroom after this homeschooling season is over though?  I don't think so.  As we delved deep, I recognized that my passion was shifting to travel, and not just in the hobby sense.  I have always loved going places.  I attribute that to my parents who made a point to show us a lot, mostly in the States.  We got to see where history has been made, see with our own eyes the beauty and variations of God's creation.  The saying about a picture never comparing to actually seeing it for yourself is true!  Why do I love to travel?  To get away?  Not only that!  I love seeing how other people experience life - what surrounds them geographically, their cultural influences, their values.  How they have been shaped over time.  I don't go for a tan.  I go for an education.  An experience.  A broader worldview to study through my Christian lenses.  Inspired by my parents' priority, travel has become an important vision for Scott and our family.

I know not everyone feels that thrill, but that's what is in my core.  This doesn't mean I am going to become a nomad.  But if people seek an experience in travel, I'd love to help them get one!  The passion, the way I'm wired with organization and attention to detail (ha! It sounds like a resume) are huge strengths when considering a next career/ministry in travel planning.  Why ministry, you ask?  My friend and I talked about opportunities working with mission trips, professional artists, and non-profit organizations.  Who knows what will happen between now and ???.

The point is, I am now aware that God can and does shift passions in order for us to continue to do His will and be crazy happy and fulfilled in the process.  I'm not sure why this was so surprising to me.  Seasons of our life change, and why wouldn't our very creative God grow us in several areas of the gifts that He's given us?  He wants to be glorified in all of them - not just your current favorite.  And may be I'm putting the cart before the horse here.  After all, I am certain that I'm not ready for the travel passion to take over completely.  But for now it can work in conjunction with my teaching passion - Hello, homeschooling!  Beyond that, I'm His to lead, and I am just so stinking excited about where I think He's leading me!!

One of my absolute favorite, hair-raising conversations, Staci Frenes!! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. I love this and I love YOU! So excited to see what God has in store for you!!

    And THIS is so good -- "Seasons of our life change, and why wouldn't our very creative God grow us in several areas of the gifts that He's given us?"
