Thursday, October 25, 2012

Light to my Path

Right now there are big life things going on.  Surprise, surprise, right?  I thought that at the conclusion of our Cebu Mission Trip, we might be able to catch our breath.  Nope.  A big, FAT nope.  Not to say that what's happening isn't great or has great potential.  It's just a lot to think about all at once.  Sorry; being allusive again with more secrets for now.  haha ;)

I have always enjoyed knowing the plan.  And currently, there is no way for me to know even a day ahead of me.  That's tough.  Tonight, I was zipping around cleaning or purging (my latest obsession) and the perfect verse came into my head.   Ps. 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.  I thought about the real picture of these words.  Just like when you're camping and walking a pitch-black trail with only a flashlight to navigate the foreign terrain.  What's important is the next step - not the path way up ahead, not what your neighbor is walking on to your left or your right.  And you can't rush it either.  YOUR path is being lit a little at a time.  He enlightens us as far as He wants to, not necessarily too far ahead, but always to a place that we know we can take some steps without falling.

So instead of stressing because so much is unknown, I will try to faithfully, confidently, patiently take baby steps - a few at a time - until He continues to light our path.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this. We've been in exactly this place for the last year. Theree have been times when that has felt wonderfully sweet. I've loved the not knowing, because I know the One who can see it all. Other times, I've been sorely tempted to lose faith because the now looks so different from how I think it should look. But always, He lights the next step just in time fore me to take it. Praying He does the same for you and your family.
