Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stuff my 6 yr. old says

Mom, does God know if I will love him when I grow up or not?  Like, even before we were born did He know that me and our family would love Jesus?

Yeah, He does.  Isn't that amazing?

Yeah.  That's cool.  I was gonna say that we should go to China to tell people about God, but I don't want to get in trouble with their police.

Well, if God tells you to go tell the people of China about Jesus, you need to obey Him even if we think it's dangerous. 

That's right! Because He will protect us!  Every day He will protect us and even if we get shot, He will lift us up and take us up to heaven.

((A little choppy, but I still love what he takes away.  He understands that obeying God is worth any risk.  Protection may look different from what our small minds think.))

And I'm not gonna lie; I immediately tear up when I hear his questions and wonder about our God.  It reminds me of all we know and, maybe more importantly, all we don't know.  What we aren't MEANT to know.  It reminds me of the exact same thoughts I had as a child.  Childlike faith coming back...

1 comment:

  1. So amazing! I love the way kids think and how they don't hesitate to ask those though questions.
