What I'm about to write may be perceived as blown out of proportion. Even vets might think I'm overreacting. Oh well. I've had these thoughts for quite some time, and what better time to unleash them than on Veteran's Day - a day meant to honor all of our servicemen and women. No classifications. They are all our heroes.
What really bothers me are the jabs, jokes, and put downs targeting other branches of the military... BY OTHER MILITARY! Did I miss the government memo that ranks the branches in order of importance or cool factor? Why does one branch think they should communicate a superiority over any other? about tasks, workouts, assignments, boot camp level of difficulty... My thought is, until you have crossed over and served in more than one branch, you have no right to make negative judgments about any other.
Where is the brotherhood/camaraderie/support for one other? Do you not make the same sacrifices? Are you not all in front of your families and friends and millions of strangers defending your homeland? I know I'm not a dude, so may be this is just (typically guys) messing with each other and "friendly banter" particularly between the Marines and the Navy. After all, I know in a way this is how it works with cops and firemen too. When the worst happens, one serviceman's life is never worth more than another's. So I don't understand why there can't be a tighter sense of community, affirmation, and honor between all branches of the armed forces on days other than Veteran's and Memorial Day. A hero is a hero.
And it may be that there are not many (or any!) others who have picked up on this or get frustrated about it like I do. But that's the beauty of blogging. I get to talk about what I want to talk about. ; ) So that's it. Thank you, ALL ARMED FORCES, for the work that you do. You are all important, valuable, selfless, and we are blessed by your willingness to serve.
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