Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Days 11-12

 Day 11: Make gingerbread houses!

 Mommy's feeling a little tired and is very grateful for Scott's help with the activities when he's home.

 They seem to be extra excited for this one!

 Mommy already got to create her candyland mansion with some girlfriends last week.
(Thanks for the leftover candy and icing, Julie!  We used/needed a bunch of it!)

 The architects hard at work, laying the foundation.

 Joyful eyes are the best.

 They kept asking, "Oops, a little bit of icing got on my finger.  Can I lick it off?"

 The first house is completed.  On to #2.

 Daddy was a little tired of all this icing stuff and hurried to finish.  
You'll see where rushing got him... ;)

 GREAT team work.

 Listen, little girl.  You wanna cross your eyes all the time?  
Mommy's gonna publish it.  Just wait til you're older!

 Their houses side by side.

Not even 5 minutes after we had finished - 
And THIS is what happens when you rush.  HAHA!!  
At least we had the first one that didn't collapse.

 Carter wants to be up in the action... He's getting serious, folks!

 After decorating the houses, the kids played a long round of hide and seek.  Hayden is THE MASTER!  May be you can't tell by this photo, but our family room tree is pretty close to the bookshelves and you have to fully walk around the tree and big green chair/ottoman to see this space.  He was waiting here - as quiet as a mouse - FOREVER (with an occasional sneeze or tiny cough since he's fighting a cold like the rest of us).  It was adorable to see the other kids search high and low; all the while Hayden was tucked back in the tree.  
He wins every time.

 Day 12: Donate a toy to charity.
When I created the list of activities a long time ago, I had Operation Christmas Child on it.  Well, since that takes place in November, it can't be a part of our 25 days of ADVENTure.  I thought another opportunity to give to others who are less fortunate is ALWAYS a great idea.  A friend at church recently posted about a collection of gently used bears/stuffed animals to be given to Love-a-Child Ministries.  So here is one last cuddle before all of these loved toys find new homes with kids who don't have any or many.

 This activity, as simple as it is, was one of my favorites so far.  I had the kids go through the animal bucket and choose THEMSELVES which should be shared with others whom they don't know.  Their eyes lit up, and they really showed energy and compassion as they considered each stuffed animal.  

When we dropped our bags off with Ms. Nicole, she explained who would be blessed by their toys and thanked them for their caring hearts.  May be not as fun as gingerbread houses and handling all that candy, but this one was great for living out what Jesus asks of us.

Matthew 25:40 
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one 
of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"

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