We looked horribly clumsy, but I loved giving each a turn spinning recklessly in my arms.
Someday that video might get uploaded. Don't hold your breath though.
Technology seems to hate me...
Day 21: Part 2 of our craft day! Deliver our craft to an elder care home (we actually went to a senior living community). I was so incredibly proud of them! I gave them a little pep talk before we arrived since last time we visited a place like this they were a little in shock. But this time, they smiled, talked with the residents, and cheerfully said "Merry Christmas," and were so brave!
My heart reached full capacity for Mama pride and joy!
I think Levi's nickname should be "Levi the lovebug."
Enjoying the fishies before passing out our crafts.
Some Carter love...
This man instantly put his craft up as scooter decor! :)
In the first few minutes as the kids were visiting with a lady, I was asked if she was their Grandma. I answered, "No, actually we don't know any residents here." These folks were so touched that we had come "just because" and loved the visit.
Day 22
They're getting very familiar with this story now!
Be-boppin around
Mommy gets to be Mary. And guess who is Jesus??
"Get back in there, you!"
Baby Jesus is born!!!! (haha)
Our little angel announces the good news to the shepherds.
The shepherd goes to find Baby Jesus in Bethlehem and worships Him.
The wise "man" comes too!
Only a few more days before we celebrate our Savior's arrival on Earth! The kids' anticipation is hilarious. Every day as they open up a Nativity door: "Mooom, when are we gonna see Baby Jesus?!"
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